Vi hade många trevliga samtal när jag skjutsade Adolf runt Stockholm på olika uppdrag.Han var en mycket spännande och envis man. Jag beundrade hans styrka. Hans minne kommer alltid att leva.
Vila i frid Adolf.
Lars Stjärnlöf färdtjänstförare taxi kurir 2024-08-29
Conny Gabrielsson 2024-08-13
Björn Jidéus 2024-08-13
Katharina Ratzka 2024-08-12
Paola Lingue
Doro och Katarina mina uppriktiga kondoleanser.
Kära Adolf.
Jag ville tacka en mycket speciell person, han var en fantastisk chef och en utmärkt person, han var en krigare och jag lärde mig mycket av honom. Jag kommer att sakna dig mycket, vi arbetade i många år tack för allt du lärde mig.
Dear Adolf,
You gave me my first work after I had just moved to Sweden and so much more than just work. I will always remember your great spirit of kindness, curiosity and determination. I feel very privileged to have been able to be there in your home with your loving family and to travel with you to many astonishing and inspiring places and to get glimpses of the amazing people that you have connected to throughout your life and travels.
It fills me with sadness that your adventures here are over but your presence in our hearts remains.
Thank you for everything!
Elisabeth Lagerkrans, Lennart Blixt och Ellen Blixt 2024-08-09
Im Zug meines Lebens saßen wir so viele Jahre im gleichen Abteil. Mein Leben ist dadurch reicher geworden. Jetzt bist Du ausgestiegen und mein Zug muß ohne Dich weiterfahren. Ein großer Verlust
Doro & Katharina
Please accept our sincere condolences
It is hard for us to think of Adolf in past tense. Knowing him affected our life in a very profound way.
We will always remember him as full of life, as he was.
Big hug
Nitsa, Yariv & Itamar
There is nothing more beautifu than a life fully lived, and Adolf you lived your life to the fullest. Thank you for the friendship you have shared with us over the years. You live on in our hearts.
There are two moments I met Aldolf Ratzka. The first, as academic researcher, in the literature that have been accompanying me in my studies on disability in recent years in which his authentic, profound and firm contribution as a pioneer and leader for Independent Living shines through translating his philosophy in a social, cultural and political mission making a great difference to the lives of many persons with disabilities. The second concerns my in-person meeting with him in 2022 at Adolfs home on the occasion of a research visiting stay in Stockholm at the Independent Living Institute (for which I will never stop thanking Jamie Bolling) in which I understood that behind that fame lay a profoundly free, attentive and determined person, nourished by a viscerally unique visionary and passionate capacity, capable of translating ideas into changes by forcefully invoking the right to equality, participation and freedom of choice for persons with disabilities. Today I understood that these two meeting fed each other, they were inextricably linked and, for this reason, Adolfs ideas can changed the lives of many people around the world, including mine. In this moment of profound suffering and reflection to carry on his heritage, my thoughts and profound condolences - also on behalf of the University of Bergamo (Italy) - go out to his closest family and friends, as well as to the Swedish Independent Living community and to the entire European movement. We lost a leader and a mentor but today more than ever, we are called to carry on his battles. Rest in power, dear Adolf.
Gracias Adolf, por tu vida, tus enseñanzas. Me siento afortunada y orgullosa de haber sido tu asistente personal y el tiempo que trabajamos juntos lo valoro mucho pues fueron dias de aprendizaje mutuo y de ayuda en mi crecimiento personal. Le doy gracias a la vida por haberte conocido y ponerte en mi camino. Mucha luz para ti.
Tack Adolf för ett enormt förändringsarbete med stor betydelse för många och tack för att du bidragit med ökad kunskap hos blivande arbetsterapeuter. Vila i frid.
Tack Adolf för allt du har åstadkommit. Genom dina insatser har många människor fått sin livssituation förbättrad. Ditt minne kommer att leva vidare. Vila i frid!